Our Trainings
Super Seminar
A 26-subject ongoing practical training in convenient locations for those involved in evangelising and discipling children.
Evangelism Seminars
Guiding the Child to the Savior
Counseling the Unsaved Child for Salvation
You have an awesome responsibility partnering with the Holy Spirit to help a child who is ready to receive Christ as Savior! In this session, you will receive valuable tools to clearly counsel a child for salvation.
The Final Authority
Why Evangelize Children?
Only God knows the length of life and the heart’s receptivity to the gift of salvation. Hear six biblical reasons why the Gospel should be faithfully shared with children today.
1, 2, 3 Jesus Loves Me
Helping Children Understand the Message of Salvation
A popular and very practical session giving you tools to easily and effectively share the message of salvation with a child, providing them the opportunity to accept the Gospel for themselves.
Inside – Outside
Ministering to Children Through the Local Church
“The church is always but one generation short of extinction.”
- Wiersbe
Come explore ways that the local church can fulfill the Great Commission in the area of children’s ministry, both inside and outside the church walls.
Teaching God’s Word Seminars
Life-Changing Bible Lessons:
Bible Lesson Preparation and Presentation
Share more than a Bible story with children, preparing and presenting a lesson that encourages life change.
Evangelistic: Learn to weave the message of salvation through a Bible lesson.
Growth: Learn to challenge the saved child for Christian growth in your Bible lesson.
Life-Changing Bible Lessons:
Bible Lesson Preparation and Presentation
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
- Benjamin Franklin
Teaching doesn’t suddenly happen when you stand up before a class. Look at the significance of teaching God’s Word and basic steps of preparation.
Drawing in the Net
The Salvation Invitation
Children need to not only hear a clear presentation of the message of salvation, but have a chance to respond to that message. Learn why, when and how an invitation can be given.
Teachers that Change Lives
A Look at the Teacher
Teaching is more than imparting facts and knowledge. You have a great opportunity to influence individual lives for eternity. Consider how you can be a ‘favourite’ teacher that God can use for amazing results.
Class Hour Seminars
I Will Sing a New Song
Singing – Music with a Message
Children are exposed to music on a daily basis. How can you use this common and fun tool to teach truths that will stick and deepen their faith?
Around the Corner, Around the World
Missions – Bringing the World to Your Classroom
The media has taught today’s children much. But do they know about how the Gospel is impacting other people and countries? Use a brief class segment to teach about world missions at a child’s level.
Review Can Be Exciting!
Enhancing Learning in a Fun Way
Do the kids in your class remember what was previously taught? Gather some games and other exciting activities to
reinforce good teaching, evaluate past teaching, and let the kids have fun.
Foundations for Life
Bible verses – More than Memorizing
Are the children in your class memorizing scripture as just
a string of words for a prize? Learn to teach Bible verses that will stick as the kids understand the concepts and apply them to make a real difference in their lives.
Managing Your Classroom
Dynamics of Discipline
Your role as a teacher is most enjoyable when your students are well-behaved and properly disciplined. So why aren’t all classrooms exhibiting this behavior? Learn the sources of
common classroom management problems and practical methods to minimize frustration and maximize learning in your
Visualize or Fossilize
Using Visual Aids Effectively
Visual aids can be used to effectively teach and enhance the learning in your classroom. Consider how to select and use a variety of useful visual aids.
Discipleship Seminars
Basic Steps to Maturity
Teaching New Christians
What do you first teach after salvation? There are so many important truths to impart! Recognize the essential truths to encourage the beginnings of spiritual growth and build the
foundation for a lifelong walk with God.
Gourmet Food for the Soul
Growing Through God’s Word
Train yourself and your class to be students of God’s Word! These practical steps for developing a daily quiet name can result in a lasting and fruitful habit for all of life.
One Step at a Time
Victory Through Christ
‘I can do all things through him who strengthens me’ (Philippians 4:13). Recognize the full message of this verse and teach children the steps to victory over sin to daily claim this reality for their lives.
Speak Up – Speak Out
Victory Through Christ
When should a believer start witnessing? How old should
they be? Harness the excitement and boldness of children, training them with tools to begin a lifetime of sharing the Gospel.
Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving
Learning to Pray
Praying is talking to God. God likes hearing from children. Teach children that prayer is important and give them guidelines on how to pray. Let children experience the power of prayer in their lives. Praying children become praying adults.
A Living Sacrifice
Consecration – My Life Set Apart for God
‘Present your bodies as a living sacrifice...which is your spiritual worship’ (Romans 12:1). Is this verse written for children to obey? If so, why and how do you explain this
command to children?
Where He Leads Me I Will Follow
How God Guides Children
I want to follow God, but what is God’s will for my life? How can I know His will? Teach children about discerning and following the Lord in their lives.
Developing Knowledgeable Children
Teaching Doctrine to Children
The early church taught through ‘I believe...’ statements. Today what do children believe about God? Consider how you can carefully teach the foundational truths of Scripture in a simple way.
Child Study Seminars
I’m Not Too Little!
Taking the Little Kid Challenge
Little kids with their wiggles, questions and brief attention spans stretch your ability as a teacher! Gain tips for working with preschoolers to build a strong biblical foundation and give opportunities for salvation.
From a Child’s Perspective
Understanding Children
How well do you know the children in your class? Purposefully become an expert on these children in order to meet their needs mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially.
Discover Your Child’s World
Age-group Characteristics
Each stage of childhood is unique! Familiarize yourself with the characteristics that are similar and different at each stage of a child’s development from birth through age fourteen. And have fun learning some of the most effective teaching techniques for working with each unique age group!